Sat.Jul 08, 2023

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Effect of Intensive Patient Education vs Placebo Patient Education on Outcomes in Patients With Acute Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial


Chiro.Org Blog: Patients who are at high risk of pain chronicity may require additional care, including second-line options such as physical (eg, spinal manipulation) and/or psychological therapies (eg, psychologically informed physiotherapy). [6] However, most trials that have evaluated adding second-line treatment options to standard guideline care for patients with acute low back pain have failed to demonstrate effectiveness compared with placebo (eg, addition of spinal manipulation, nonstero

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Migraines and Text Neck: The Hidden Connection

Corrective Chiropractic

Migraines and Text Neck: The Hidden Connection In today’s digital age, where smartphones and computers have become an integral part of our lives, we often find ourselves hunched over screens for extended periods. This prolonged screen time, combined with poor posture, has given rise to a phenomenon known as “text neck.