Thu.Jan 11, 2024

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If Your Child Has Very Flat Feet, here is a Checklist for the Doctor to Evaluate

Foot and Ankle Problems


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Why The Gurus lie about BJ’s Retention Strategies?

DC Practice Growth

Great chiropractors suck at teaching retention controversial post alert # A lesson on retention (stick with me , its great) If we massively oversimplified this whole “practice growth” thing it, it basically comes down to being able to; Attract New patient (marketing) Convert those NP into customers (sales) Keep them / convert them into lifetime patients (retention) Again it must be emphasised that I am oversimplifying the process for effect and in so, leaving out many other “growth factors”.

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Sh*t, my practice manager just resigned!

DC Practice Growth

Here is the reality you face… We’ve pretty much all been there before, and if you haven’t, then let me categorically state that it’s not “if”, it’s “WHEN” it happens to you. Typically the resignation is not even in person but via email or text and I’m willing to bet it was as you started your vacation, or as you arrived at a family get together.